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Human and animal health are linked

The connection between livestock farming and human health is multifaceted, encompassing various aspects. In this blog post, we will explore the vital role animal products can have in human nutrition and delve into the interdependence of human and animal health, considering the concept of "One Health." Additionally, we will discuss the impact of animal nutrition on the quality of derived products and explore the importance of finding a balance between plant and animal proteins in our diets.

Animal Products and Nutrition

The Role of Proteins:

Proteins, the building blocks of living matter, are essential for the body's tissues, muscles, enzymes, and hormones. Amino acids, the basic units of proteins, are obtained from food during digestion. There are 20 different amino acids, with some being essential and others non-essential. Nutrition must include these essential amino acids to support proper protein synthesis.

Meeting Nutritional Needs

Boulette de nourriture

Different population groups have specific nutritional requirements. For example, the elderly, children, and expecting women have higher protein and micronutrient needs, many of which can be met through the consumption of animal products. Adequate protein intake, including both plant and animal sources, is crucial for maintaining optimal health at all stages of life.

Feeding Animals Better to Feed People Better:

Feeding a Calf

The nutrition of animals can impact the quality of the products derived from them. For instance, feeding animals diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as linseed, results in animal products that are also rich in omega-3s, offering additional health benefits to consumers. Striving for a balanced 50-50 ratio of plant and animal proteins allows for a reduction in the consumption of animal protein sources while ensuring a diverse range of protein sources and overall nutrient quality in the diet. 



Excessive consumption of animal products, particularly when part of an imbalanced diet, can contribute to nutritional imbalances and various health issues such as overweight, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes.

On the other hand, insufficient consumption of animal products may lead to inadequate intake of essential amino acids and micronutrients, posing risks to specific population groups. Thus, it is important to follow dietary recommendations, limiting red meat and processed meat consumption while ensuring a varied and balanced diet.


Recognizing the links between livestock farming, animal products, and human health is crucial for understanding the role of animal products in human nutrition. While they provide valuable nutrients and proteins, moderation and balance are key in ensuring optimal health. By incorporating a diverse range of protein sources and adhering to dietary guidelines, we can harness the benefits of animal products while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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Zoonoses: When Animals Transmit Diseases
to Humans

Zoonosis refers to the transmission of diseases from animals to humans. These diseases can be transmitted through various routes, including direct contact, vectors like mosquitoes and ticks, and consumption of contaminated animal products. It is important to differentiate zoonoses from human-to-human transmission, as animals often serve as reservoirs or carriers of these diseases. 

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