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This site is designed for the curious and for teachers who approach or would like to approach the topic of livestock farming with their students: general information and technical details will allow them to draw up a global overview but also to answer more specific questions.

The GIS AE group (or Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique Avenir Elevages) offers these elements of information on the main themes discussed in class as well as sourced and verified resources that can be freely reused in your lessons.

farm animal : sheeps, horse, 2 chicken, a cow and a pig

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What subject are you interested in?

The basics of animal farming will no longer hold any secrets for you.

What is livestock farming ?

Breeding is an important production activity, and its products are varied (meat, milk, eggs, but not only!). Breeding activities require many skills on the part of the breeder, from the care of the animals to the management of his business. Depending on the type of animal raised, the way of raising animals varies enormously (obviously one does not raise a chicken in the same way as a cow).

Fermier avec vache

Animal farming, a balance between pollution and environmental services ?

Animals consume water and food, including a quantity of food edible by humans that varies according to the species. 

Livestock farming produces greenhouse gases. Agriculture is also one of the few sectors capable of reducing its impact on global warming by sequestering part of the carbon emitted in the soil, particularly in grasslands.

Image de Ries Bosch

Animal farming : a key to tradition and society?

This chapter reviews the history of the links between livestock and society, and details the social role of livestock in the world. 


It also focuses on animal protection, because it is a growing concern for citizens, especially the young ones. 

Défilé de vaches dans les prés

How do humans produce biomass ?

Food, energy, medecine, building materials... Agrosystems are the best way humans know to produce. These ecosystems are transformed to harvest the most of environment.


But balance is necessary. 

Farmers bring it back most often by using inputs (such as fertilizers), but also by looping the cycles (recycling the material to limit losses and waste). 

Image de Shubham Dhage

How is animal farming linked to human health ?

There are many links between animals and human health : 

from the consomption of animals products in a balanced diet to shared diseases and treatments.


In this chapter, we will explain what a zoonosis is, by taking some examples, and then we will talk about the issue of the use of antibiotics, which are essential to treat humans, but also animals.

Produits laitiers en vitrine
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